Curry is the youngest recipient of the Houston Association of Realtors’ Realtor of the Year Award — one of Houston’s top real estate honors. A native Houstonian, she is a multimillion-dollar producer with Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors. Curry sits on multiple real estate organization boards where she has helped raise thousands of dollars for charity events and is a supporter of the Ronald McDonald House, the Houston SPCA and Rebuilding Together Houston.
What book is on your nightstand? “Making Wise Choices” by Joel Osteen
What is your stress release? Swimming and dancing
Something about you that would surprise people? I have always wanted to be an entertainer, a singer or actress. I was given the gift of public speaking, however, not singing. If I were not doing real estate I would pursue a career in broadcast journalism with hopes of being the next Oprah.
Who is a person you would most like to meet? Oprah or the late Steve Jobs
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